AI inbox to analyze subscriber email reading patterns
Identify and filter toxic, indecent, threat, offensive, erotic, and spam comments with DeSpam's privacy-first, zero-logging API.
Online plagiarism detection and prevention platform.
Take control of your inbox with Spamdrain antispam.
AI-powered Spam Detection for a spam-free app experience.
Transformative, private email in decentralized, spam-free environment.
A free AI tool that filters abuse, spam, and hate, supports content creation, and promotes internet rights.
AI-powered fraud prevention and chargeback protection for ecommerce.
Stop contact form spam with AI.
Manage your inbox effortlessly, protect your information, and predict spam.
Greip is an AI-powered fraud prevention solution for app's financial security.
WhyLabs platform enables MLOps with model and data monitoring for efficient issue detection and prevention.